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+91 7829323955 | +91 9886033582

25, Victoria Road, Victoria Layout Bengaluru, 560047

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the material Areca Palm Leaf products are made of?

Palm leaf plates are made from the Areca Palm tree sheaths. The three sheds the leaves often and these leaves are collected, washed and pressed in to a plate using a hydraulic press. 

Why do the plates have grains and spots in it?

The spots and grain occur naturally in the sheath. These grains are similar to wood grains and are completely normal.

Do any trees or leaves get cut in gathering of the raw material??

No. Only naturally fallen, dry leaves are used for manufacturing of these products, which are otherwise waste. The raw material sourced is completely sustainable!

How does Team Delta Palm products react when disposed of?

Our product is 100% biodegradable and compostable. Because there is no bonding agents, wax coatings or chemicals it becomes good organic compost when disposed of.

How strong is Team Delta Products?

Our products are very strong and possibly the strongest & toughest disposables currently available in the market.

Is there a minimum order quantity?

Yes, we need an MOQ of 500 pieces. 

You say it is made from the sheath of the leaf, so the palm leaf plates are Bio-Degradable?

Yes. the palm lead plates are biodegradable. Dont need any commercial composting, They can be simply composted in the backyard and it gets broken down into compost in less than 90 days.

Does your products comply with all regulations?

Our palm leaf plates dont release their constituents to the food in a manner that is harmful to humans. They dont alter the food composition, tatse, and odor. Our plates are BPA free, Plastic free, and Chemical free. Our palm leaf plates comply with the principles set out in regulations.

Can we use these products in refrigerator and other freezers?

Yes, you can use the Areca leaf products in refrigerator. The food will not react with the product material.

Are they reusable and what happened if they are washed?

While they are very durable, they are a disposable product and recommended for single use only. If they were only used for light, dry snacks, it may be possible to wipe with damp cloth. Prolonged submersion in water will cause them to soften, as they are purely natural and not treated with any protective coatings.

How do Team Delta products impact the Society?

Our products are produced in rural India which generates employment opportunity in the villages. Workers are taken care of with fair wages and safe working conditions.

What is your payment terms?


Letter of credit

Document agains payment